As many people know, I have wanted to marry Tony probably since the day I met him. But he had other plans. I feel like I waited and waited forever, every special occasion or birthday I would cross my fingers. But obviously it is suppose to be a surprise. So In september Tony and I took some vacation from work, and on Monday we went down to the Newport Aquarium. While we were walking around I brushed up against his leg and felt a box in his pocket. I momentarily freaked out. I didn't want to expect the proposal or see it coming, so I kept hoping it was not what I was thinking ( a ring box). The day went on and nothing happened we saw a movie (where I bumped the box shaped Item again) went to dinner. Later I saw him take his keys out of his pocket, so I finally just figured the I had felt his keys. We drove home that night and I was pouty because I had kind of gotten my hopes us. We pull up to the
house and Tony jumps out of the car and mumbles something about having to pee. So I'm like ok? and just grab all of our stuff. I walk through the door candles are lit, there are flowers and (PINK) champagne. Oh yeah and Tony was down on his knee with the ring. He asked me to marry him and I said yes.

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