Last year we just had a low key valentines day since we were saving for the wedding. Just stayed in and I made an extravagant dinner for Tony. So this year we decided to go out and do something for our first valentines day as a married couple. Tony took on this task himself. I think he did a pretty good job. For our first activity we got dressed up and headed downtown to The Ohio Theatre. I had never been and it was gorgeous! Unfortunantely I didn't take anypics my self but here are a couple pictures of inside of the theatre. We saw Romeo & Juliet Opera. It was in french but luckily it had english subtitles which helped! Tony and I really enjoyed it.

It was a little fancier then any places we usually eat at. But it was v-day, so we splurged. Tony had Duck and I had lamb. I had never had either. Drank some good wine and exchaged cards. It was a good time for our first Valentines day. We got to do stuff together that neither of us had ever done before. Which I think is what being a newlywed is all about! So it was a great day :)