This is early, but lately I've been thinking about how lucky I am. Sometimes I don't realize it, or I get down on myself because I don't have a stellar job or I don't have the money for a new pair of boots. But I am loved and surrounded by people that I love and for that I am Lucky. Here are a few things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving.
This picture is pretty sick
But it makes me laugh |
*My Husband. Sometimes I get so welled up with love I could pop. After almost 5 years together I am still sooo in love. I know everyon says that but I really am. Yeah sometimes the romance may not be there when I'm brushing my teeth and he tries to pop a pimple on my face for me (gross, but it happens more often than I would like to admit). But when I come home to a clean house or to a hot dinner and he kisses me on my forehead after a LONG day at the not so stellar job, I know the little things count.
*I'm thankful for my Dad and my Mom and my (Step) Mom. Although our family is a bit unconventional I wouldn't have it any other way. As I get older we all get closer. Sometimes I wonder how they dealt with me as a teenager. I fear the day I am the mother to a teenage daughter. Especially if she is anything like me. Although I was well behaved for the most part, it was always an emotional roller coaster. And for that I am also thankful - that they put up with my shit.
A bit unconventional |
*The pups. Some people don't understand the love of a dog. They're not technically people. To me sometimes their better than people, little furry cuddly cute people. Our dogs have so much personality and they love us unconditionally.
*My close friends. I've never had TONS of friends ... But I have a few BEST friends. Over the years and across the miles we've stayed close.
*My job- as much as I complain and maybe I don't love it. I am lucky to be employed. We are able to put food on the table and go see a movie if we want. At work I see so many people that can't pay their mortgage because of losing their jobs or an illness they couldn't have predicted.
*Becoming an Aunt - I had to come back and add this. Tony and I became an Aunt and Uncle yesterday. I love Tiffany and David, Unfortunantely they are so far away, but seeing pictures of their brand new baby boy filled me with love and joy for them! Also it made me excited for Tony and I's furture(someday).
* There are lots of other things I am thankful for ...they may seem trivial,, but to me they mean something. I'm thankful for my black steve madden boots, and my blue blazer I found at the thrift store. I'm thankful for my Jeep that I love driving everyday. I am thankful for living smack dab in the middle of 2 major malls... and so on. I hope everyone has a glorious Thanksgiving! I'm excited for ours. We will be spending it with my dad out in Dayton and going shopping the next day. Wish me luck ... hopefully I don't get trampled!